Training Midwives and Other Cadre of Health Workers Using a Solar-Charged Device in Ethiopia

Saurabh R Shrivastava, Prateek S Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy


Dear Editor,
Ensuring the wellbeing of pregnant women and providing them with appropriate care and support for a good outcome has been acknowledged as one of the most important public health priorities of the health sector.[1,2] Even though a wide range of potential risk factors can result in maternal deaths, it has been identified that provision of skilled care during and after the birth of the child can save the lives of thousands of women and newborn child.[1,2]
However, considering the shortage of primary care physicians or obstetricians in the rural settings, midwives and nursing staff have been identified as potential candidates for the delivery of essential care during childbirths.[1] At the same time, these midwives have been assigned the task of offering antenatal care, creating awareness among members of the community regarding the services offered in health facilities, motivate women for institutional delivery, and referring women to higher centers for management of high‑ risk women.[1,3]

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