A response to: "A Second Look at the Impact of Normal Saline on the Incidence of Exposure eratopathy"

Zohreh Davoodabady, Korosh Rezaei


Dear Editor, Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted protocol for eye care in the intensive care unit (ICU).[1] Some authors recommend the use of normal saline,[2] but the results of some studies have shown that it should not be used routinely.[3] Therefore, our study was designed to evaluate the effect of normal saline on the occurrence of Exposure Keratopathy (EK) in the ICU, considering a group that is only treated with normal saline, and does not receive usual treatments, not approved by the Ethics Committee. In addition, the authors believe that, despite the simultaneous use of conventional treatments and saline, any changes in occurrence of keratopathy are more valuable. The discontinuation of conventional treatments that their preventive role has been identified can be a major contributing factor to the analysis of information when one group receives only normal saline. ....

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