Self‑Compassion and Adherence to Treatment in Patients with Cancer

Neda Khalili, Masoud Bahrami, Elaheh Ashouri


Background: Emotional disorders and depression make cancer patients reluctant about adherenceto their treatment. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship  betweenself‑compassion and adherence to treatment in cancer patients.

Materials and Methods: Thiscross‑sectional study was conducted on 214 patients with cancer in 2019. They were inpatientsaged over 18 years. Two months had passed since their cancer was diagnosed, and they hadundergone a course of chemotherapy. Data were collected using a personal details form, Neff’sSelf‑Compassion Scale and the Modanloo Adherence to Treatment Questionnaire and were thenanalyzed using the mean, frequency, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis.

Results: The mean(SD) total score of self‑compassion was 80.07 (15.68), and the mean (SD) totalscore of adherence to treatment was 134.44 (38.37). Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed adirect relationship between the total score of self‑compassion and the total score of adherence totreatment (p < 0.05). The linear regression analysis showed that the score of suffering as a commonhumanity (â = 0.47, p ≤ 0.001) and the variable of education (â = 0.27, p ≤ 0.001) were significantpredictors of the total score of adherence to treatment (R2 = 0.33).

Conclusions: According to theresults, suffering as a common humanity and education were significant predictors of adherence totreatment. Oncology nurses are therefore recommended to get further educated about self‑compassion,so that they take this concept more seriously in providing patient care. Nurses should also educatethe patients with low levels of education about the consequences of not adhering to their treatment.


Compassion, neoplasms, patients, treatment adherence and compliance

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