Addressing Stigma in Borderline Personality Disorder Requires Ongoing Support for Nurses

Sarah May Gray


This letter is in response to the article written by Meshkinyazd, Bordbar and Heydari.[1] Through qualitative research with caregivers of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, the authors demonstrate the distressing experiences of stigma and discrimination both clients and caregivers endure in relation to a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Within their discussion, the authors pose that nursing education should include training about social stigma to support caregivers of those with mental illness. This proposed approach is a critical first step: yet potentially not fully adequate to address stigma in borderline personality disorder………………..

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Gray SM. Factors influencing care of clients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder: A mixed methods study in a New Zealand mental health service [thesis]. New Zealand: University of Auckland; 2021.


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