The Process of Deciding Mother’s Role for Preparing Children as Part of an Online Sexual Crime Free Digital Society: A Grounded Theory

Nurmukaromatis Saleha, Desi Andreswari, Titin Aprilatutini, Nurlaili Nurlaili, Encik Putri Ema Komala


Background: In this technological era, there is a serious global threat to child development, the phenomenon of child sexual abuse via the internet (Internet Child Sexual Abuse/ICSA), and mothers must adapt to the era’s needs. The purpose of this study is to explore the decision‑making process regarding the role of mothers in protecting their children from sexual harassment in the digital age.

Materials and Methods: A grounded theory approach was used in Bengkulu, Indonesia, in 2021. Data were obtained through focus group discussions on 12 mothers, 4 girls, and 4 female activists (who were selected by theoretical sampling), which were analyzed using thematic analysis. Memos were generated after categorical analysis was sorted after saturation occurred.

Results: Five theoretical categories formed the core category. The five categories of the theory were “mother’s views on sexual education in children,” “strategies for sexual communication with children,” “the negative impact of online media,” “limits in carrying out supervision,” and “preparation needed by children.” The memo was drawn theoretically, “new challenges in parenting,” which was then made into a core category. The core category was “preparing children to be part of a sex crime‑free digital society.”

Conclusions: Parents teach their kids self‑control, awareness, and the importance of using virtual media wisely and selectively. The parenting and technology recommendations assist mothers in protecting their children from internet‑based sexual crimes. Maternity nurses should promote reproductive health through the creation of relevant media.


Child, female, Indonesia, internet, parenting

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