The Effect of a Program Based on Roy’s Adaptation Model on Coping Skills of Children of People with Multiple Sclerosis

Kobra Mohammadi, Hossein A. Mehralian, Shahla Abolhassani, Soleiman Kheiri


Background: The health of children is affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in their parents and various complications of it. Given this, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of a program based on Roy’s adaptation model on the coping skills of children of MS patients.

Materials and Methods: This study was performed on 78 children of 78 MS patients from Shahrekord Support Association of MS patients including around 1800 patient members in 2018 using a quasiexperimental method. Samples were selected by the convenience sampling method, and a researcher-made checklist was completed based on Roy’s adaptation model by them, and those who scored less than 80% on the checklist were included in the study and randomly allocated to control and intervention groups. The coping skills questionnaire was completed before, immediately, and 2 months after the intervention in two groups. In the intervention group, a supportive training program was developed and implemented based on Roy’s adaptation model in six sessions and followed up for 2 months. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 23 using statistical tests.

Results: There was a significant difference in changes in mean coping skills scores during the intervention between control and intervention groups (p < 0.001) so that the coping skills scores showed a significant increase in the intervention group. Conclusions: It is possible to increase the level of adaptation in children of MS patients and improve their coping skills by using educational and supportive programs based on Roy’s adaptation model.


Adaptation, coping skills, multiple sclerosis, nursing

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