Comparison of Empathy with Patients between Surgical and Psychiatric Medical Residents

Reyhane Hizomi Arani, Zohrehsadat Naji, Ali Moradi, Shohreh Pooreh, Yosra Merati, Seyed Vahid Shariat, Payman Salamati


Background: Empathy is considered paramount to the medical profession because it affects patients’ satisfaction, compliance, and quality of care. It has been studied that medical residents in non‑psychiatry specialties (especially general surgery) pay less attention to their patients’ experiences and emotions. This study measured and compared surgical and psychiatric medical residents’ empathy scores.

Materials and Methods: In 2021, we studied all first‑ to third‑year medical residents of psychiatry and general surgery who worked in hospitals affiliated with the Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran. Eighty‑eight eligible residents, including 53 psychiatric and 35 surgical residents, were enrolled in this cross‑sectional study. The Persian‑validated Jefferson empathy scale was used to evaluate empathy among the residents. Chi‑square, t‑test, and ANOVA were used for group comparisons. A multivariable linear regression analysis was used to find the factors associated with the empathy score. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS version 21.

Results: The total mean score (SD) of empathy was 104.34 (11.10). Female residents had higher mean (SD) empathy scores compared to their male counterparts (109.21 [9.29] vs. 99.14 [12.72]; p < 0.001), and psychiatric residents scored higher than surgical residents (109.18 [8.91] vs. 96.67 [12.50]; p < 0.001). Psychiatric residency was independently associated with a higher empathy score (standardized coefficients; beta = 0.41, p = 0.001).

Conclusions: Psychiatric residents have significantly higher empathy with patients than surgical residents. There was also a significant difference among male and female residents. Therefore, it may be recommended that structural education directions be developed for residents to promote empathy during the residency program.


Empathy, Iran, medical residency, professionalism

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