Caring Challenges of Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients in the COVID 19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

ohammad Reza Sharbafchi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Mousavi, Ghazaleh Sheikhani, Mahmoud Keyvanara, Sima Ani


Background: Caregivers of cancer patients experience significant challenges that affect their physical, psychological, and social well‑being. This qualitative study aims to explore the specific challenges faced by caregivers of cancer patients during the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Materials and Methods: The present study is a conventional qualitative study based on the Graneheim method for content analysis. Data were collected through semi‑structured individual interviews with 11 family caregivers of cancer patients in Isfahan, Iran.

Results: The challenges faced by family caregivers of cancer patients are classified into three main categories: 1) caregiver burnout which includes, “non‑cooperation of the patient with the caregiver,” “funding the costs of care and treatment,” “lack of support for the family caregiver by the family and society,” and “lack of knowledge and proper care skills.” 2) Health threats to the family caregiver which include, “imbalance of self‑care versus patient care,” “disruption of a healthy lifestyle,” and “occurrence of psychophysical symptoms caused by stress in caregivers.” 3) Work‑family‑care conflicts which include: “conflict between patient care and family” and “conflict between patient care and work.”

Conclusions: This study provides additional insights into the personal and societal challenges faced by family caregivers of cancer patients during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Based on our findings, health policymakers can take concrete steps to address these challenges and enhance the support for family caregivers, who play a crucial role in public health.



Caregiver burden, caregivers, COVID‑19, neoplasms, qualitative research

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