“Everything has been Dramatically Changed Since The Outbreak Began”: A Descriptive Qualitative Study of Cancer Care Experiences of Patients and Oncology Nurses during the COVID‑19 Pandemic
Background: Cancer during the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic has changed, leading to challenges in the management of the two serious health conditions of cancer and COVID‑19. This study was conducted to explore the experiences of cancer care among hospitalized patients with cancer and oncology nurses in the COVID‑19 pandemic environment.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive qualitative study included interviews with patients with cancer and oncology nurses. Observations and field notes were recorded. In this study, we purposively recruited 11 patients and 10 oncology nurses from a tertiary referral hospital affiliated with the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, northwest Iran. Face‑to‑face interviews were conducted between June and July 2021. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, open‑coded, and analyzed thematically. All these steps were managed using MAXQDA 10.
Results: Three themes were generated regarding patients’ and nurses’ experiences of cancer care during the COVID‑19 pandemic: 1) feeling scared and neglected, 2) appearance of fundamental changes in all aspects of life, and 3) facing challenges beyond routine cancer care.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates the experiences of a “vulnerable” population during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Understanding the experiences of patients with cancer and frontline healthcare providers during this unprecedented time of COVID‑19 can help provide guidance and support for health policymakers in evidence‑informed decision‑making for cancer care beyond the COVID‑19 pandemic era.
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