Translation and Psychometric Properties of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in Iranian Nurses

Sara Mahmoudi, Foroozan Atashzadeh Shoorideh, Maryam Rassouli, Azam Moslemi, Amir Hossein Pishgooie, Hadi Azimi


Background: Burnout has its focus on exhaustion and it includes persistent response to long‑lasting job‑related stressful events. It has a special relevance in health care area in which staff is under constant psychological, emotional, and physical stress. The results of several studies on burnout
prevalence among Iranian nurses indicate its high incidence. Therefore, more accurate researches are required for better preventive interventions, and to do so, a reliable validated scale is required. One of the suitable and new tools for the measurement of burnout is Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). This study aimed to translate and investigate psychometric properties of CBI in Iranian nurses.

Materials and Methods: In this methodological study, after the translation process, face and content validities via qualitative and quantitative methods was done. Content validation ratio, scale‑level content validated index, item‑level content validity index were measured. Then, construct validity was determined through factor analysis. Furthermore, internal consistency reliability and stability were assessed. The questionnaire was sent to 450 nurses who were randomly selected via quota sampling.

 Results: Face and content validity were acceptable. After translation and cultural adaptation process, exploratory factor analysis suggested a new model based on four factors and fit indices validated this model via confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency and stability of CBI were affirmed for each subscale separately.

Conclusions: The four‑factor Persian version of the CBI proved to enjoy acceptable psychometric properties. It can be applied to evaluate burnout in Iranian nurses or other health care providers.


Burnout; Copenhagen Burnout Inventory; factor analysis; nurses; psychometric properties

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