The Process of Promoting Spiritual Health in Iranian Muslim Adults: A Grounded Theory

Azita Jaberi, Marzieh Momennasab


Background: Spiritual health is a complex concept and it is important to review its promotion and evolution from a Muslim point of view in Iran. So, the present study was designed to explore the process of spiritual health promotion among Iranian Muslims.

Materials and Methods: This study is a grounded theory in which the continuous comparative analysis method Strauss & Corbin (1998) was used to analyze data. This study’s sampling method was purposive in trying to select participants with the maximum variation.

Results: The “striving effort to promote spiritual health” was the core category which was the participants’ strategy of the participants to confront their main concern, “to achieve transcendence”. The essential spiritual process in this study was “the journey in the transcendence path”. People would find the purpose and meaning of life by interconnecting and relying on their inner forces, and by establishing the moderation between the dimensions of existence. In this way, individuals will become closer to human perfection with the help of these components. They will achieve immersive wellbeing and moral maturity through the consolidation of spiritual health. Such a person lives to serve among the people.

Conclusions: Adult promotion of spiritual health is dynamic and complex. The main process in this path is spiritual growth, which begins and continues as a result of the striving to advance spiritual health and refinement. Considering these findings has become a concern for holistic care within the scope of nursing care.


Keywords: Grounded theory, Iran, Islam, nursing, spirituality

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