Principal Factors Affecting Couples’ Childbearing Policies: A Roadmap for Policymaking

Mozhgan Hashemzadeh, Mohammad Shariati, Afsaneh Keramat, Elham Ebrahimi


Background: The concept of negative population growth, population aging, and the need to implement child‑encouraging policies is an important concern in many countries. As this issue is completely cultural and country‑based, this study is designed to assess and prioritize the perception of newly married couples to the policies that may have a crucial role in the childbearing intention around the world.

Materials and Methods: Through a descriptive cross‑sectional study, 300 couples were selected by a simple random sampling method. Multilevel binary logistic regression was used for investigating the relationships among dimensions of family policies, socio‑demographic variables, and childbearing intention.

Results: Childbearing perception positively correlated with education and permanent job in both genders, maternal age range of 25–35, the higher length of marriage, having more children, and living in a government settlement. The most important family policies that couples preferred were contextual requirements (mean rank of 4.50%). Positive childbearing perception negatively correlated with higher age categories in women, the number of children, rental housing status, no insurance access, higher educational attainment, and low employment ranks in both men and women.

Conclusions: This study cleared that family policies affect the childbearing intention of young couples. Polices involved contextual requirements, supporting couples to integrate work and home, health promotion plans, child‑centered social support, and promoting the level of social and cultural relations.


Family planning policy, health policy, Iran, reproductive behavior

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