Relationship between Cellphone Overuse with Sleep Quality and Self‑efficacy in Clinical Performance of Nurse and Midwifery Students
Background: Identification of the factors related to students’ academic success and clinical self‑efficacy plays a significant role in their ability to provide independent patient care. The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship of cell phone overuse with sleep quality and self‑efficacy in the clinical performance of nursing and midwifery students.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive‑correlational study was conducted on 211 nursing and midwifery students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2021–2022. Data collection tools included the Cell‑Phone Over‑Use Scale (COS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and the Self‑Efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP). Data were analyzed using stata‑16 software.
Results: 28% of students had cellphone overuse and 63% had poor sleep quality and 17.10% had low self‑efficacy in clinical performance. Students with cellphone overuse had higher levels of poor sleep quality compared to those with normal levels of cellphone use (p < 0.05). Moreover, those with poor sleep quality had lower self‑efficacy for clinical performance (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: Cell phone overuse can reduce self‑efficacy in clinical performance by interfering with students’ sleep quality. Thus, students should be trained to use cell phones more appropriately.
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