Evaluating the General Health Risk Factors (Physical, Psychological, and Social Functions) of Hospital Staff a Year after COVID‑19 Outbreak in 2020‑2021, Isfahan Iran
Background: Healthcare workers are the first to be exposed to the virus and are at greater risk than the general public. This study aimed to examine the risk factors that affected hospital staff’s general health during the COVID‑19 pandemic in Isfahan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This cross‑sectional study was conducted on the staff of all hospitals in Isfahan one year after the COVID‑19 outbreak (2021–2022). The general health questionnaire (GHQ) was used to determine social functioning, while the patient health questionnaire (PHQ) was employed to assess physical and psychological health status.
Results: There was a significant positive relationship between work experience in the COVID‑19 ward and the scores of physical health (r = 0.26, df = 298, p < 0.01), depressive symptoms (r = 0.24, df = 298, p < 0.01), and anxiety (r = 0.17, df = 298, p < 0.01). The job and income satisfaction score was negatively related to the scores of social function variables (r = −0.25, df = 298, p < 0.01) and depressive syndrome (r = −0.12, df = 298, p < 0.05). The fear of COVID‑19 was related to social functioning (r = 0.12, df = 298, p < 0.01), physical health (r = 0.31, df = 298, p < 0.001), depressive symptoms (r = 0.36, df = 298, p < 0.001), panic attacks (r = 0.15, df = 298, p < 0.01), and generalized anxiety (r = 0.23, df = 298, p < 0.001). Gender and age significantly predicted general health.
Conclusions: The COVID‑19 pandemic negatively affected all dimensions of hospital staff’s health, particularly those with underlying physical conditions.
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