Effects of education and practice of healthy behavior on the return to work of the patients with myocardial infarction

Asghar Khalifeh-Zadeh, Sima Babaei, Hamid Momeni


Introduction: Myocardial infarction remains the common cause of mortality in the world with destructive effects on bio-psycho-social and economical conditions of patients and community. Safe return to work of the patients is the important task of nurses. Education and practice of healthy behavior such as diet, standard sport program and smoking cessation is the way out of a difficulty in care, treatment and return to prehospitalization bio-psycho-social condition of patient.

Methods: In a quasi-experimental research, 50 patients were selected by convenient sampling method and randomly were divided into two groups of study and control, each containing 25. The data were gathered through questionnaires, scales, sphygmomanometer and patients' records. At the beginning, with interviews, demographic characteristics of the subjects were collected by questionnaires. In study group, education and practice healthy behavior program, which contained a standard sport program, QRGSCS smoking cessation program and cardiac patients' diet were taught to the patients and performed by them for six weeks. The subjects then were followed up, three times after two, four and six weeks of hospital discharge. Controls had no interventions. After six weeks, return to work and healthy behavior compliance of the subjects were measured by questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive inferential statistics through SPSS software.

Results: The findings showed no significant difference between the mean return to work time in study and control groups (P=0.319). There was a significant difference regarding subsequent return to work symptoms between study and control groups (P=0.005). There was also a significant difference regarding healthy behavior compliance between study and control groups (P<0.001).

Conclusions: Education and practice of healthy behavior by nurses in patients with myocardial infarction in hospital and home can cause a safe return to work and continuance of healthy behavior compliance in patients.


Instructor of Medical – Surgical Nursing, Department of Medical - Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan university of Medical Sciences


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