<JournalTitle>Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research</JournalTitle>
<ArticleTitle>A comparative study on effect of e-learning and instructor-led methods on nurses’ documentation competency</ArticleTitle>
<Affiliation>PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.. heidarya@mums.ac.ir</Affiliation>
<Abstract>BACKGROUND: Accurate recording of the nursing care indicates the care performance and its quality, so that, any failure in documentation can be a reason for inadequate patient care. Therefore, improving nurses&rsquo; skills in this field using effective educational methods is of high importance. Since traditional teaching methods are not suitable for communities with rapid knowledge expansion and constant changes, e-learning methods can be a viable alternative. To show the importance of e-learning methods on nurses&rsquo; care reporting skills, this study was performed to compare the e-learning methods with the traditional instructor-led methods.METHODS: This was a quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the effect of two teaching methods (e-learning and lecture) on nursing documentation and examine the differences in acquiring competency on documentation between nurses who participated in the e-learning (n = 30) and nurses in a lecture group (n = 31).RESULTS: The results of the present study indicated that statistically there was no significant difference between the two groups. The findings also revealed that statistically there was no significant correlation between the two groups toward demographic variables. However, we believe that due to benefits of e-learning against traditional instructor-led method, and according to their equal effect on nurses&rsquo; documentation competency, it can be a qualified substitute for traditional instructor-led method.CONCLUSIONS: E-learning as a student-centered method as well as lecture method equally promote competency of the nurses on documentation. Therefore, e-learning can be used to facilitate the implementation of nursing educational programs.KEY WORDS: Knowledge, attitude, practice, nursing documentation, lectures, e-learning.</Abstract>


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