Vol 12, No 1 (2007)



Table of Contents

Original Articles

Comparative Analysis of Life Quality in Mothers after Cesarean Section and Normal Vaginal Delivery
B Torkan , S Parsay , M Lamieian , A Kazemnezhad , A Montazeri
Abstract (315 views)     |     Full Text PDF (185 downloads)     |     XML
Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and Outcome of Labor in Primipara
N Khoda Karami , A Safarzadeh , N Fathizadeh
Abstract (994 views)     |     Full Text PDF (523 downloads)     |     XML
The Effect of Music Therapy on Patients' Blood Pressure in Endoscopy Unit in Bou-Ali hospital, Ardebil
Z Tazakori , F Amani , M Karimollahi
Abstract (118 views)     |     Full Text PDF (75 downloads)     |     XML
Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making in Nurse
SH Salehi , M Bahrami , S.A Hosseini , K Akhondzadeh
Abstract (396 views)     |     Full Text PDF (109 downloads)     |     XML
Evaluating the Effect of Exercise on the Postpartum Quality of Life
B Bahadoran , F Abbasi , A.R Yousefi , M Kargarfard
Abstract (166 views)     |     Full Text PDF (713 downloads)     |     XML
A study of the Severity of some Occupational Stresses in Nurses
T Mehrabi , N Parvin , M Yazdani , N Asman Rafat
Abstract (163 views)     |     Full Text PDF (165 downloads)     |     XML
Epidural Painless Delivery: A Phenomenology Research
P Hasanzahraei , N Mehran , N Fathizadeh , H.A Abedi
Abstract (122 views)     |     Full Text PDF (374 downloads)     |     XML
Parental Attitudes of Female Students toward Child-Parent Interactional Behavior
Kh Tavakol , H Naji , N Saberi
Abstract (80 views)     |     Full Text PDF (50 downloads)     |     XML